read my blog

🔗 How to update SiteURL and HomeURL

Notes on how to update SiteURL and HomeURL.


🗂️ File and Folder permission for Laravel

Notes on how to give file and folder permission for Laravel.


🎛️️ Cannot access cPanel/WHM after reboot

Notes on what to do if you cannot access cPanel/WHM after reboot.


🗳️ Import & Export Database to & from MySQL using CLI

Notes on how to import and export database to and from MySQL using CLI


🖥️ Plugin install asks for FTP details in WordPress

Notes on how to tackle the issue where plugin installation asks for FTP details in WordPress.


🍀 Rename local branch in GIT

Notes on how to rename local branch in GIT.


🤐 How to zip a folder from the terminal

Notes on how to zip and unzip folder using CLI.


🎥 Cloud Computing and AWSEducate Program

This discussion at Sunway International Business School focused on cloud computing.